• Core Values

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    The inspiration as I strive to go deeper in understanding myself, my family, our communities, and the world.

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    My unique approach is an unwavering passion for bringing to light the narratives that have yet to be told.

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    Offering my artistic creations to the world is akin to engaging in a dance of mutual enrichment.





    The Ecuadorian Amazon is one of the most ecologically diverse places on the planet.

    It has been a great honor to live in Ecuador and return on three occasions to help build capacity with indigenous leaders defending their territory. My initial experience in Ecuador was through Global CItizen Year where I lived with a host family and was exposed to indigenous methodology, language, and pristine old-growth forests.


    On my return trip, I meet with Leo Cerda. He was in the early stages of launching the Hakhu Foundation when I helped the organization with a gofundme film. The Hakhu Project has grown to include many facets fighting for indigenous sovereignty including Napo Resiste, the Black Indigenous Liberation Movement, Yuturi Warmi, and the Video Lab which I was invited to be a part of to document the week-long retreat in February 2020 the weeks prior to the covid-19 pandemic


    It has been a great honor to contribute to this organization and my commitment to the Ecuadorian Amazon has never wavered.